Newborn screening in Turkey

INFAI and Bruker BioSpin are currently conducting a pilot study to establish NMR spectroscopy in the screening of newborn babies for inborn errors of metabolism. Inborn errors of metabolism affect 1 in 1000 newborns in Central Europe, and an even higher number, 1 in 500, in Turkey. Urine samples of 1500 healthy newborns will be collected on their third day of life in 15 study centers in 8 cities all over Turkey (see map below). The data from healthy newborn babies will be essential as a statistical basis to detect babies suffering from IEM as outliers from the statistical model of "normality".

NMR-Based Screening for Inborn Errors of Metabolism: Initial Results from a Study on Turkish Neonates, JIMD Reports 2014, 16, 101-111

More details can be found in a poster that was presented at the 2011 SSIEM, one poster presented at the 2013 SSIEM, in a flyer or in the product brochure.



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